Library Rules
- An atmosphere conducive to study must be maintained at all times. Any activity that is inconsistent with this practice will be considered unacceptable and may result in the withdrawal of the privilege to use the library.
- Library furniture (desks and chairs) must not be disarranged or defaced. Students caught defacing any library material will be reported to the proper authority for action to be taken.
- No food, sweets or drink is allowed in the library.
- Large Bags, back packs, folders and laptop cases must be left at the baggage holding area. Please remove all valuables from as the library cannot be held accountable for any loss.
- Members of staff are empowered to enforce the rules of the library. Cooperation with the library staff is essential for the effective functioning of the library.
- Unauthorized removal of items from the library will incur serious disciplinary penalties.
- All overdue items will incur a fine.